Authors: Kristin Gibson, Alexa Lamm , Kevan Lamm, Jessica Holt, and Kyle Maurice Woosnam

Kristin presented research about single-use bottled water use at the National Agricultural Communications Symposium (NACS) held in Atlanta, Georgia, February 4-5. The study was part of her dissertation.
The presentation addressed single-use bottled water use in national parks by exploring the influence of visual communication interventions designed for national park websites. An experimental design was used to determine if the visual frame in a communication message influenced intention to use single-use bottled water while visiting a national park. Two frames were examined, including one positive frame and one negative frame. The positive frame displayed an individual drinking from a reusable water bottle while sitting in nature. The negative frame displayed single-use water bottles littered in the same natural landscape. One major finding of the study was that the communication message with the negative frame – where there are single-use water bottles littered in nature – decreased respondents’ intention to use single-use bottled water in national parks as compared to the positive frame where an individual drank from a reusable bottle in nature.
Kristin’s work was presented at NACS in the same research session as Olivia Erskine’s master’s thesis work, while other Lamm Lab members participated in the research poster session and professional development about the work of the Real Pork Trust Consortium, as well as conducting a professional development session on using art to communicate science.
NACS was held in conjunction with the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists annual meeting. To learn about additional Lamm Lab presentations held at this convergence of conferences, see our posts on the Southern Region meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, the Southern Rural Sociological Society annual meeting, and the Southern Region meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences.