Left to right: Tata Markosyan, Kristin Gibson, Olivia Erskine, Katie Sanders, and Saher Dossani

Members of the Lamm Lab presented research papers and posters at the National Agricultural Communications Symposium in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from February 3-7, 2023.

Water Research Presented

Kristin Gibson presented her paper, authored with Dr. Alexa Lamm, titled, “Communicating about the Plastic Pollution Crisis in our Food System: Exploring Interventions to Mitigate Single-use Bottled Water”. This paper won the 2023 Outstanding Research Paper award at the conference. The presentation detailed results from a water survey regarding perceptions on single-use bottled water.

Kristin also presented a professional development session, authored with Dr. Alexa Lamm, on Mechanical Turk data collection in agricultural communications research.

Olivia Erskine presents her poster at NACS.

Olivia Erskine presented a poster, authored with Kristin Gibson and Dr. Alexa Lamm, titled, “Encouraging water protection through donation: Water conservation behaviors in relation to specialty license plates”. The poster detailed findings from a water survey conducted in Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. The purpose of the study was to explore differences in personal water conservation behaviors as it relates to donation behaviors with the intent of developing effective communication strategies which will encourage individuals to donate to broader water conservation efforts.

Food & Health Research Presented

Dr. Katie Sanders presented a poster, authored with Rachel Corry, Kristin Gibson, Dr. Alexa Lamm, and Dr. Jessica Holt, titled, “Shopping for information? Exploring consumer political ideology and local food online shopping design.”

Katie also presented a poster, authored with Kristin Gibson, Tatevik Markosyan, and Dr. Alexa Lamm, titled, “Examining the demographic characteristics of interpersonal communication channels for an Extension health promotion project.” The purpose of this research was to identify communication sources through which community members in rural Georgia learned about a health promotion project.

Dr. Katie Sanders presenting her poster at NACS.

This meeting was held in conjunction with the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists annual meeting. To learn about additional Lamm Lab presentations held at this convergence of conferences, see our post on the Southern Rural Sociological Association and the Southern Region Meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education.