Olivia Erskine
The 2024 National Agricultural Communications Symposium was held February 4-5th in Atlanta, Georgia. Along with other Lamm Lab members, Olivia Erskine presented her paper, authored with committee members Alexa Lamm, Kevan Lamm, and Catherine Sanders, titled “Public engagement in community gardens: Communicating to prepare for climate change impacts on gardens”, which is part of her…
Lamm Lab members Kristin Gibson and Olivia Erskine traveled to Portland, Maine for the 2023 International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) conference. The conference addressed issues including environmental justice, global resource management, and the sustainable management of natural and cultural resources. During the five-day conference, Kristin and Olivia attended presentations by scholars from…
Members of the Lamm Lab presented research papers and posters at the National Agricultural Communications Symposium in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from February 3-7, 2023.