Dr. Alexa Lamm attended the International Plant Propagators’ Society western region meeting in Temecula, CA to conduct focus groups with nursery and greenhouse growers perceptions related to the use of plastic on farm and how it relates to their water. Lively discussions with 24 growers over a period of three days elevated our understanding of contaminant concerns and issues with regulations that vary by state and geographic region across the U.S. Previous focus groups conducted in Ohio captured the thoughts of growers in the northeast and midwest. They will be used in conjunction with these results to inform a national research initiative moving forward.

The Lamm Lab is collaborating with Dr. Jim Owen, USDA ARS, and Dr. Sarah White, Clemson University, to conduct research identifying if there is a problem with contaminants including but not limited to microplastics and associated PFAS in the water used and recycled within production facilities. In the United States alone, nursery and greenhouse growers irrigate some 267,000 hectares of land and contribute over $14 billion to the national economy. The findings will further our knowledge base by:
1) ensuring the human dimension is integrated into environmental stewardship projects related to water use thereby improving decision-making,
2) increasing specialty crop producers’ awareness of contaminants and pollutants through strategic communication,
3) motivating the scientific community to work collaboratively with growers to identify and mitigate contaminants and pollutants thereby improving environmental sustainability, and
4) developing novel strategies for ensuring regulators, scientists and producers are working collaboratively in the development and enforcement of regulation impacting contaminant and pollutant release into the natural environment.