Dr. Alexa Lamm is a participant, and Georgia state lead, for NC1186 – a multi-state research project focused on improving water quality and reducing water use within the landscape and greenhouse industry. The annual meeting was recently held in Cincinnati, OH where Lamm and Kristin Gibson shared their latest research findings related to public opinions associated with water donations and personal conservation. In addition, they toured a local botanical garden, sponsored by the Cincinnati Zoo, and a 333 acre multi generational nursery and greenhouse facility to see first hand the work they had done to treat and recycle water.
The next day, Lamm and Gibson conducted a focus group with growers at the Ohio State University sponsored Grower Training to determine their thoughts on plastic use on farm. The findings will be used in conjunction with additional focus groups being conducted in early 2024 to identify the biggest plastic threats to water release and opportunities for research and future training focused on keeping our water clean and plants healthy.