Dr. Alexa Lamm is currently guest editing a special issue in the international journal Sustainability to highlight research showcasing areas where farmers’ perceptions are utilized to understand the barriers and enablers associated with political planning in support of sustainability.
We are faced with complicated and difficult challenges as we strive to supply and distribute enough food for an ever-expanding global population while protecting the natural environment. Policies, both regulations and incentives, impact rural economies and the entire agri-food sector. While regulations may be necessary to ensure the sustainability of the natural environment, they can often negatively impact the social and economic sustainability of rural communities. In addition, incentive programs designed to assist farmers, and therefore ensure a stable food supply during trying times, may be perceived as unequally distributed or untimely. Naturally, farmers across the globe have emotional and logical reactions to policy discussions of all types that can be used positively to enhance dialogue or result in negative consequences. Therefore, farmers’ perceptions of policy are inherently tied to policy development and implementation alongside long-term planning.
Check out the special issue page here to learn more, read the articles in this special issues, or submit your work for publication: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/J21Q03O3K1