The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens
Gain appreciation for the art, literature, history, politics, economics, religion, and topography that shaped the art and gardens of The Grand Tour sites. Influenced by the experiences and legacy of visitors to Italy and France over the centuries, students will write travelogues inspired by their own Grand Tour.
This was definitely the most exciting thing for me. I can now say that I celebrated my 20th birthday by watching the sunset on the Eiffel Tower. I’ve never had such an exploratory birthday where we walked around Paris for around 10 miles and saw the most amazing views! We started my birthday off by…
To begin, I never fully understood how people can sit on a plane for 9-12 hours. Just the thought of sitting there for that long and getting up only to go to the bathroom makes me nervous. This was just the plane ride fears! I’ve never traveled abroad to Europe before, so I don’t really…
Less than a month, actually. I still can’t believe that I signed up for a study abroad trip that goes to five countries in eighteen days. As I prepared for the Art and Gardens Grand Tour, I was honestly a little nervous. I was nervous about what to pack, because I have never travelled this…
(I wrote this following the night before my departure in the journal that I used to document my thoughts and feelings during the trip.) What am I doing? I took my Ochem 2 final last night and now I’m heading off to Europe for 18 days. I haven’t had more than a few seconds to…
Posted in: Europe, Faculty-led, Maymester, Program type, Reflection, Semester, The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens -
Paris is the midpoint of our trip, and it has definitely flown by. It still seems surreal to be so far from home, but seeing such huge travel landmarks really solidifies it. Most of the group travels in a weird half-exhausted, half-energized state that must be typical of tourists. The days are long, but all…
I’m happy to be home to see my family, and for queso to be quite honest, yet it was a somber ride home. It’s strange to know that when I step off this plane, this weird bubble I’ve been in for the past month will burst, and I’ll return to “normal” life. Actually, I don’t…
Now that I am back at school, it is hard to believe I really went on such an amazing study abroad. I was very lucky to be one of the thirty students on that trip and to meet other students with the same passion for traveling. The week I returned home I could not stop…
I spent the past three weeks travelling across Europe with thirty strangers, who are now some of my closest friends. During this time abroad, I learned about myself as a person as well as experienced a variety of different cultures. After sitting back and reminiscing about my experiences, I decided that the most important lesson…
So far, this experience has been one that I will never forget. In addition to honing my traveling skills (learning tidbits of Italian, getting hopelessly lost in Rome, taking walking tours through London, navigating the complicated Paris streets), I have also used the garden knowledge I have acquired to begin thinking about my own future…