The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens
Gain appreciation for the art, literature, history, politics, economics, religion, and topography that shaped the art and gardens of The Grand Tour sites. Influenced by the experiences and legacy of visitors to Italy and France over the centuries, students will write travelogues inspired by their own Grand Tour.
Last week has been crazy busy from studying for finals to packing up and moving out of my apartment. On top of everything I was packing for a three week study abroad trip and make sure everything would fit into a carry on suitcase. I was successful with packing everything up but I could not…
Today is the day that I am leaving the United States to head to Europe for The Grand Tour! In September of 2017, I applied to go on The Grand Tour this Maymester. Just the thought of possibly being able to go to Europe excited me and at that point I had not even been…
Not often do I feel anxiety about going on an adventure. I attempt to pursue life with gumption and confidence, however I recall the day I decided I was going to take the European art and Garden tour study abroad. I called both my parents and told them that I was thinking about taking this…
Today marks about nine days before my departure for Europe. Like every spring, finals and projects and the month of May have just completely snuck up on me. This time, however, instead of taking finals and being done and moving on with summer, I’m almost immediately hopping on a plane and going to Europe –…
I spent three months in Europe this summer. During the month of May I was on the Grand Tour, a study abroad experience focused on the gardens and art of Europe. During June and July I backpacked around Europe with another UGA student. I think it’s really easy to romanticize travel, and oftentimes we create…
When preparing for a major trip, coming to terms with reality can be a fickle thing. It only really began to hit me as I packed my final belongings into my hiking backpack. I’ve got everything that I need for three months abroad in my pack, I hope. It’s really amazing how much you can…
Culture shock is used to describe the sensation of leaving home to find yourself in uncomforted, new circumstances abroad. No one ever tells you that it is just as unnerving to return home. The main problem is the expectation of a return to normality when you get back home. The reality is that ‘home’ is…
During the long journey home, I had plenty of time to reflect on my European experience and the impacts it would have in my day-to-day life. Obviously, I learned so much academic material from the lectures. I gained so much knowledge about history, art, and garden design that I had not known about before. But…
During a free evening in Rome, two of us decided to trek to Gianicolo Hill, where you could see a magnificent view of the city. It was challenging to find this hill, though, using GoogleMaps. We kept running into dead ends but eventually we came to this garden, from which we thought we would be…
Waiting at the gate to board my flight across the Atlantic to Rome was filled with the anticipation of the coming European adventure. My mind was racing with thoughts of things I may have forgotten, and questions like, “Did I pack enough underwear?”, “Do I have the right adapters?” and double, er, triple-checking to make…
Posted in: Europe, Faculty-led, Maymester, Program type, Reflection, The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens, Uncategorized