Costa Rica
I obviously can’t go on a study abroad about chocolate and not talk about chocolate! The purpose of our trip was to learn about the science, history and culture of chocolate. We visited multiple different types of cacao farms, chocolate production factories, we lectured on every part of the process of turning a cacao bean…
When I was getting ready for my study abroad to Costa Rica, I was thinking about the fellow students that I would be going with and expected that I would probably make some friendships. I was hoping that the group would be fun, nice, and we would all enjoy our experience together. However, one thing…
A special aspect of my experience on the Choco-Rica Study Abroad Program that I did not originally anticipate was the group bonding with the students and faculty. By the end of the trip, we were practically one giant family. At the departure orientation prior to the trip all of the students and faculty had the…
One of my favorite aspects of the Choco-Rica study abroad program was being able to taste farm-fresh cacao fruit. When I first applied to the program, I was expecting to learn about chocolate and the process of making chocolate, but there was so much about that process that I was unaware of. I knew what…
One thing that we got to learn about while learning about chocolate production is the differences in large and small cacao farms in Costa Rica. The first farm we visited was owned by a man named Edwin, who owned and operated his farm with only the help of his wife and one employee. He gave…
The study abroad trip that I had the amazing opportunity to participate in this summer was the Choco-Rica program which focuses on the study of chocolate/cacao in Costa Rica. There were many opportunities for excursions on this short study abroad trip, including sight-seeing, hiking, exploring the city, and zip lining which was super fun! However,…
Going into the trip, I believed I was in for a relaxing two weeks after a grueling past semester. I expected to learn bundles about the country and birds and enjoy every moment, but I did not expect the experience to change my outlook on my future. I have always known I wanted my future…