The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens
Gain appreciation for the art, literature, history, politics, economics, religion, and topography that shaped the art and gardens of The Grand Tour sites. Influenced by the experiences and legacy of visitors to Italy and France over the centuries, students will write travelogues inspired by their own Grand Tour.
As I watch the flags of every nation whiz by as my dad drives me to the airport, my knuckles are white as I hold onto the seat beneath me. I packed my suitcase weeks in advance, but the time had flown by. Finals were a blur. I think back to all that I went…
Out of the five countries we visited over the past three weeks, Scotland was my favorite. The city of Edinburgh had an atmosphere that reminded me much of Athens, probably why I like it so much. Everywhere you looked in the city was something beautiful. Just from our hotel could be seen a castle, the…
Going from Point A to Point B My study abroad experience has come with the challenge of navigating many cities. Some of the cities I encountered a language barrier while others I did not, but I have learned that a language barrier is not a reason to avoid public transportation. This trip has shown me…
As many times as I’ve travelled abroad, you’d think I would grasp just how many little nit picky details there are to tend to before departure. It never fails, however, that the week before my trip I sit down and think about everything I have to accomplish before my trip, and the realization hits me…
So I am headed for the airport at this very moment. It hasn’t set in that I am going to be flying to Italy in a few short hours! I must admit the part I am most worried about is the state of my luggage. Did I forget anything? Did I overpack?(yes I most definitely…
Posted in: The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens -
It’s been about a month since I’ve arrived back in my hometown from Ireland, the last country on our tour. However, I still find myself thinking daily about the time I spent there, and not because I’ve been working on a big journal assignment ever since either. When I go to the park to run, when…
Italy was phenomenal and full of history; Paris was beautiful; London had so much to see. However, the city that surprised me the most, and turned out to be one of my favorites was Edinburgh, Scotland. Before arriving, I already imagined that Scotland wouldn’t have as much to offer me as the other countries did.…
Posted in: Europe, Faculty-led, Maymester, Program type, Reflection, Semester, The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens -
As I sit here at the Dublin Airport preparing for the flight home, I am in awe of what I have seen these last few weeks. From the Statue of David to the Eiffel Tower to Villa de Este to so many more experiences that I cannot even explain, I have seen so much and…
As I sit here packing, last minute packing might I add, my mind is running 100mph. I am trying to think of absolutely everything that I might possibly need for the The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens of Europe trip that starts TOMORROW! Along with a billion other things that cross your mind when you are…
My trip technically leaves in two days, however I’m flying out in four days because I am a senior and couldn’t imagine not participating in graduation. I am beyond excited to experience this chunk of the world I’ve never been exposed to. My family is Nigerian, and I’ve been abroad to Africa so I know some of…