Looking for Zeus in the clouds while reality can be found on earth. At least Zeus Lupulo (hops) are found in Brazil for beer production. While beer and specifically craft breweries, are growing in popularity in Brazil and USA. Increase in demand and every place searching for their unique flavor to attract customers, a hop…
A peanut place not only is in Georgia but is in Brazil, with such an important peanut-producing place for the world. There are many connections between Georgia and Brazil, but this was my first time being involved with peanuts. My trip focused on getting new experiences and working with new crops to me in research…
Having no sun, at least for a little bit of time each day during the summer, is normal due to a large amount of rain compared to most places in the USA. Rain is a relief from the heat, in addition, filling the groundwater wells where people get their water is greatly welcomed. This water…
I’ve lived in the city of Pamplona, Spain for just over a month now. I feel like I’m pretty good at doing life here now, but that wasn’t always the case. I’m gonna tell a story of how I epically failed in my first few days here. It was just a trip to the grocery…
My abroad experience is an internship with the viticulture department at the Universidad Publica de Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. I’ve been here just over one month so far and I have just under a month to go. I thought it’d be fun to share what a typical work day for me looks like here in…
As my time here in Brazil is starting to come to an end, I have taken time to start to reflect on my experiences here. I still remember the first day I arrived. I was overwhelmed and scared to be in such a new environment in a different country where I don’t speak the primary…
In this picture, there are Nelore cattle, which is the most used beef cattle in Brazil. These specific cattle are being used in a research project that is testing for feed efficiency based on their food and water intake. Anytime they eat or drink, the tag on their ears alerts the feed/water bunker that they…
Yes, that picture is in fact a real place. I went there on a weekend when I didn’t have any work to do (woo hoo!). The other intern and I, Pauline, decided the day before we went that we wanted to explore the country more. Luckily, we are only an hour away from the most…
Yes, that is indeed a pile of piglets in that picture! This blog post will be dedicated to describing my work and everything that comes with it. Firstly, and obviously, I do work with pigs! Unfortunately, I don’t get to work with them when they are that young like in the picture, but I work…
I am writing this blog post as I am about halfway through my adventure being a research intern in Switzerland, and I think it has given me ample ability to reflect on my experience so far! In looking at the picture above, you may be thinking “wow, that is a really cool tower!”. That was…