It’s been about a month since I’ve arrived back in my hometown from Ireland, the last country on our tour. However, I still find myself thinking daily about the time I spent there, and not because I’ve been working on a big journal assignment ever since either. When I go to the park to run, when…
My semester at ETH Zürich finished up in the beginning of June and my time in Europe is (unfortunately) coming to an end. I had a very positive experience at ETH. My classes were very challenging and the professors came from a variety of disciplines and I found them to be very engaging in lectures.…
Now that I am back home, all my friends (and my mom) want me to try their wines and teach them all that I learned in Italy. I must say, it’s not a bad thing to come home to. I can explain the difference between acidity and tannins, and can describe a multitude of shades…
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It happened – I’m that guy. I swirl my reds and check for reduced or oxidized aromas. I decant, I airate, I chill. I don’t spit because that’s too French, but I might use some ortho and retro-nasal breathing to detect aromas. I arrange my wines by tannin strengths and ask about fermentation processes in…
As one of our free weekend trips, we decided to travel to Ponza, an Island in the Tyranian Sea. If you have the chance to travel there, I definitely recommend it. Ponza is a small island, about 5 miles long and 1.5 miles wide. The ocean surrounding it is a beautiful turquoise color, and is…
I can’t believe it’s already here! I don’t know what to expect besides lots of pastries and even more things to see and learn. I’m excited to get to know everyone and come home with some new friends and lots of stories too 🙂
It’s 1 am and I have 17 hours until I leave for France! Well… 17 hours until I leave to London because that is where my first stop is, but that’s besides the point. I have 17 hours until I have officially begin my journey into a foreign country, and I am a combination of…
I’ve been here for about three weeks now and I’m having an incredible time. I’m overwhelmed by the beauty of the city and feel so lucky to be on exchange in a place as fascinating as Zürich. The student house that I’ve been placed in is one of my favorite aspects of the exchange –…
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It has now been almost 2 months since I had the opportunity to travel to Uruguay. I can honestly say coming home from the trip was extremely difficult. Going into the trip I really didn’t know what to expect, I only knew a few of the students going and I certainly didn’t know any of…
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I was one of the students who got to stay an extra day in Uruguay! It was so great to hang out in Montevideo and relax. Since I have been back home, I told my dad about the technology that they use to feed the calves and he was very interested! I am so glad…