Well folks, We traded sweet tea for mate, English for Spanish, busy orbit buses for a shuttle equipped with our own driver, Javier, winter for summer, and the bustling Athens scene for rolling hills and Uruguayan countryside, but one thing that didn’t change is that it feels like home here. Choosing to spend my spring…
This has been a great week so far. We have met several great people on the trip who have openly welcomed us to visit their operations. It has been interesting to see the diversity between the types of farms and compare the similarities and differences from what I am familiar with in Georgia. I am…
Being a senior at UGA, I decided back in August I was going to take every opportunity possible to help better myself and my future career. When Dr. Lacy talked to our class about the Sustainable Beef and Grain Study Abroad Program, I was immediately hooked. To be able to spend my last Spring Break…
I never imagined I would be so dependent on a 60-gallon trash bag. I also never imagined I would spend my summer working with nesting Leatherback sea turtles in a foreign country in the Caribbean. I have spent 19 glorious days in St. Kitts and, during most of those days, I have walked the length…