During the Spanish Food Production, Culture, and Environment study abroad, towards the end of the program, we made bread and cheese in Alcudia de Guadix cave houses. It was a memorable experience because we were in actual caves, probably the best looking caves I’ll ever see in my life. One of my favorite things about…
Like a large portion of the students on the trip, this introduction to Spanish ham production was my first time seeing a commercial meat processing facility. As Spain is one of the leading producers of pork in the world, the pork facilities we observed unsurprisingly were capable of handling very large quantities of meat, with…
The week before leaving for Spain I was incessantly questioning why I voluntarily put myself through the stress of traveling to another country. I had spent $1,600 on a round-trip plane ticket and $2,000 on a program fee and that didn’t even include all the souvenirs and extra food I would be tempted to buy…
I have always known what I wanted to do with my life. I’ve had the same professional goals since I was a little girl. I am a planner. I like to have things very organized, and I don’t like to stray from the plan. Some of that changed while I was in Greece. I know…
Before embarking on my study abroad adventure, I had some doubts about traveling internationally for the first time. I was worried that I would get too homesick or that I would just not have a great time. I had very high expectations for my trip, but what if it fell short? All of these worries…
Although the main focus of my trip was to study Avian Biology, I also learned an amazing amount of information about Costa Rica, especially their efforts on conservation. Many species found in Costa Rica are hard to find anywhere else in the world, which makes conservation an issue of great importance to the people.…
Hiking quickly became an expected daily activity during our Avian Biology trip. It was the only way to find the elusive birds, as well as see some of the wonderful scenery. One hike, in particular, stood out on my trip, due to both difficulty and the arrival of a furry friend. We were preparing for…
The time leading up to a trip has always been stressful for me. I always end up going through my luggage multiple times out of fear I might forget something essential or simply to reassure myself I’m doing something productive. Preparing for my study abroad trip was even more stressful, despite how excited I…
The Greek temples that I was able to witness, located in a small town in Italy called Paestum, were breathtaking. These ruins are one of the most well preserved architectural structures in the world. There are three temples standing, and the one that I am standing in front of is the Temple of Hera II,…
One of the common things that I kept seeing on brochures for different Study Abroad trips offered were groups of students eating incredible food. France is known around the world for its gourmet cuisine and fresh ingredients. While I was extremely excited to go on the study abroad to catch a break from one of…