The Grand Tour: Art and Gardens
Gain appreciation for the art, literature, history, politics, economics, religion, and topography that shaped the art and gardens of The Grand Tour sites. Influenced by the experiences and legacy of visitors to Italy and France over the centuries, students will write travelogues inspired by their own Grand Tour.
The gardens on this study abroad are very amazing and they take your breath away as you walk through them. There are many gardens that we visited while we were gone, and each one of them was unique. Most of them told a story as you journeyed through them, and each sculpture, plant, and fountain…
While everything still fit in my maximum size suitcase when I arrived at the airport in Dublin, Ireland, the weight of my bag was significantly over the allowed maximum when I got to the counter to check it. I could have gotten out of line, thrown some things away, and waited in the 45 minute…
Originally, I felt very nervous to navigate myself around Paris since the city is so large and I had many stops that I wanted to see. We only had one free day in Paris so I knew we had to make it count. I was intimidated about using the metro because I’ve had few experiences…
“The Trip of a Lifetime” is a statement describing an adventure full of phenomenal experiences which then results in personal growth and memories that will last a lifetime. The Grand Tour of Europe proves true to this description. After much post-trip reflection, I realized what an impact those three weeks had on my character and…
The power of studying abroad is proven unmatched yet again. Upon entering the British Museum during our second week in Europe, our first stop of the day, I couldn’t help but feel the child-like jitters that recurred whenever we were about to view something incredibly historic or well known. This time, I was anticipating the…
I have always been a book worm. From Harry Potter to Dolly Parton’s Autobiography, I’ll read just about anything. I intended on purchasing a book about each garden that we visited while on The Grand Tour so that when I returned, I would be able to continue this educational experience. Although I came home a…
The Greek temples that I was able to witness, located in a small town in Italy called Paestum, were breathtaking. These ruins are one of the most well preserved architectural structures in the world. There are three temples standing, and the one that I am standing in front of is the Temple of Hera II,…
I can honestly say that this experience was a trip of a lifetime. I was originally hesitant to apply because I didn’t know how I was going to afford the trip, but I decided to go ahead and apply anyway because this is something that I really wanted to pursue. I applied to many scholarships…
This morning we got up, packed all of our things, and headed down to the lobby to get breakfast. I was running a little late so I just got a quick slice of cheese and some kind of meat (prosciutto?), then gulped down one of the best cappuccinos I’ve ever had due to the little…
As I finish up my last final tomorrow, I am also prepping for my Dental Admissions Test in a few days. Needless to say, I haven’t had a great deal of time to think about the trip coming up. Next Wednesday, my friend and I will be flying to Rome a few days ahead of…