Before going to Spain. I had never been out of the country. I had barely even been out of Georgia. If you can imagine the fear I had built up to the night before leaving. I had researched almost every day and spoken to others to gain as much insight as I possibly could about…
My family occasionally cooks with olive oil, and when I go eat at Olive Garden or a fancy restaurant I love to dip my bread in olive oil and vinegar. I know we have a few olive groves in Georgia but I’ve never visited any or even thought about the production of olives and olive…
The moment I got to Spain, it was pretty clear that Spanish ham was a staple food in this culture. In nearly every shop and restaurant, you could find jamón being sold for various prices. While on our trip, we visited several jamón and sausage production facilities where we were taught about how ham was…
Back in high school, we were required to take a foreign language class. I had the bright idea to take French because I wanted to be different and thought to myself I will never have to use Spanish in my life… Big mistake. High school me never thought I would be studying abroad in Spain,…
**DISCLAIMER: I’m vegan.** Before I left for Spain I was kind of worried about what I would be eating while I was there. Spain has lots of ham. A LOT of it. We were still staying with host families who knew our dietary restrictions and who would be cooking for us, but as for going…
WOW! What a trip! Spain is definitely my favorite place to visit inside of Europe (probably because of how perfect the weather is there). This was my second time traveling to Spain, my fourth time traveling to Europe, and it is a different experience each time I travel. Traveling is something I am very passionate…
Throughout my Maymester in Spain, we visited lots of different farms. We visited farms where they grew all sorts of fruits such as avocados, mangoes, bananas, nísperos, and cherimoyas. We visited different research centers that grew avocado and mango fruit trees, that grew dragonfruit (I had never seen a dragonfruit plant before so that was…
Before traveling to Spain, I had never been out of the country. I have lived in Georgia my whole life and traveling to a foreign country without my family was honestly pretty scary for me. I was super stressed about the language barrier and figuring out how to navigate around a city when I didn’t…
When I originally was told we would be visiting an olive orchard, I had no idea of all the complexities involved in growing, harvesting, and processing the olive oil to yield the finished product. In order to produce the highly desirable extra virgin olive oil, the olives must be initially processed within 24 hours of…
On our last full day in Grenada, the group went for a cooking class in the afternoon. The chef leading us had all of the ingredients and tools ready for us, and all we had to do was follow his instructions to prepare the food. Each of us sliced and diced a multitude of bell…