Costa Rica
My parents and I finally arrived in Alajuela, Costa Rica a few days before my CAES Avian Biology study abroad trip began after some interesting turn of events. As we approached the airport in Alajuela, our pilot informed us that the runway lights seemed to be turned off and they could not land. After about…
An old fashioned coffee grinder [caption id="attachment_2214" align="alignnone" width="300"] The berries of a coffee tree. Ripe berries are red.[/caption]
This program, Coffee: From Bean to Cup! , taught me many things about coffee. I learned the coffee production process in Costa Rica. From the very first step of farming coffee plants to coffee harvesting, coffee processing, coffee roasting and coffee sensory evaluation, this program gave me interesting and practical knowledge of coffee. I tried…
Posted in: Coffee: From Bean to Cup
The day is finally here, and I am going to Costa Rica! I found out that I was accepted into this program over the summer, which did not feel that long ago. Now fast forward five months and I am all packed and heading to the airport. Before I left Athens I was trying to…
[caption id="attachment_2188" align="alignnone" width="300"] Coffee Beans after different processes[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2189" align="alignnone" width="168"] The view from the campus lounge[/caption]
One of the best parts of this program is the lab. We had two labs, coffee cupping and brewing. As a person who never learned anything about coffee. These two labs really taught me a lot. The coffee cupping taught us how to distinguish the fragrance, break and aroma of each kind of coffee, and…
17 November 2016 6:30 p.m.: Athens, GA I am currently sitting in my apartment with my roommates. Leaving is finally sinking in! I finished packing in two hours, and I feel as though I haven’t had the time to really give much though to my upcoming adventure. I couldn’t be more ready to depart, but…
19 November 2016 7:36 a.m.: Hotel 1915 Breakfast was amazing! It started out with fresh fruit and blackberry juice. I, of course, ordered un cafe con leche and tried the tortilla española (see pic) which turned out to be this omelet with spinach, potatoes and tons of onions. Honestly, it was a huge meal. I’m…