As I sat at my desk studying for final exams, I couldn’t help but look forward to summer. No class, free time, hanging with friends. Except the summer before senior year isn’t like that. I’m taking a summer class, working a job, and most of my friends are staying at their colleges for class and…
We have been here for over 2 weeks, and what a trip it’s been. This once unfamiliar place is now comfortable to me. I was so worried to go somewhere I had never been and change my routine, but now I have one here: sleep in until class is about to start, walk down the hill,…
Here I sit, one week from the end of this incredible journey. A hot caffé Americano is placed on my table amongst my books and laptop and tattered journal. “Georgia on My Mind” gently fills the room with a smooth jazz rendition. I cannot help but believe that the café owner put this song on…
As many times as I’ve travelled abroad, you’d think I would grasp just how many little nit picky details there are to tend to before departure. It never fails, however, that the week before my trip I sit down and think about everything I have to accomplish before my trip, and the realization hits me…
From the short week I have spent in Romania, I have discovered that there are a few words native to Romanian culture that are untranslatable to the English language. I first noticed this when Maria, one of the Romanian students with us, was attempting to describe the certain parts of the traditional Romanian costume and…
I depart for Romania in less than 48 hours and I’m so excited to see what awaits in my first study abroad! Having only been on a touristy cruise, I am ready to experience culture outside of the United States. I imagine Romania has beautiful rolling hills and a lot of castles (thanks to the…
So on the first Thursday of the trip, I experienced the beautiful world of Romania with no cell phone. I had unfortunately dropped it in the toilet in the Open Fields office. It totally submerged, and I had it off all day. I was devastated, knowing I may not could use it the rest of…
Wow, we are about half way through our maymester, and days just keep flying by. Cortona is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. There are endless views and endless hills to climb, as the UGA campus is set at the top of the mountain that Cortona is built into. Every day,…
I would describe my pre-departure emotions as relieved more so than excited. I’ve been wanting to go to France for the past five years–ever since I took French in high school and fell in love with an entire language and culture. I am so thankful that the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is giving…
….I just can’t wait to be in the air again! Today is the day and I’m super excited. This past week has been a whirlwind of events and emotions. I graduated from the greatest university in the southland a few short days ago, and I am already off to the other side of the world!…