Here are a few of the last photos I took while we were in Punta Del Este, Uruguay. It was our last stop on the trip, and I have to admit I was kind of sad to be heading back to Montevideo to board our departing flight. During my time in Uruguay, I had seen…
I took a few pictures of the airport in Miami, where our connecting flight to Montevideo, Uruguay was boarding. I remember looking out the window at the airplanes and thinking how I couldn’t believe that I was going to Uruguay! I had never been outside the U.S. and was excited to travel to South America.…
When I arrived in Montevideo I had no idea what to expect. I had never been outside the United States before, and all I knew of Uruguay was general facts I had learned before the trip. Montevideo was an amazing city that was full of interesting Uruguayan culture and heritage. The hotel where we stayed,…
I hope my family and friends back home in the states don’t miss me, because I’m not sure I’ll ever return!! We’ve visited many wonderful ranches and research stations that include dairy farms, as well as INIA’s beef and sheep experimental station. Each farm we’ve visited so far has been unique in their own way,…
It was exciting to come home to sweet tea and chicken. While being back home has been great, I still miss parts of Uruguay. Leaving was hard, especially leaving all the great people that we met and grew close to over the week. I look back at the week that I had, and remember how…
The small country of Uruguay was beautiful and full of agriculture. We began our week just traveling and touring the capital city, Movtivedo. Montivedo is where most of the people in the country live. After getting accustomed to the time change and the new location, it was time to visit some farms. The first day…
As I look back at the wonderful week we spent in Uruguay, I realize just how much we truly were able to experience and learn from another culture. While we learned invaluable lessons about agriculture and production techniques at different beef, dairy and sheep operations, we also learned life lessons as well. Below is a…
Endless green scenery, historical towns, and an endless supply of potatoes sum up the Scottish culture pretty well. Ok, well that’s definitely not all Scotland has to offer, but with a new cultural experience around every corner, it’s hard to choose just a few to write about! I’ll start with how absolutely beautiful Scotland is.…