International Agribusiness in Diversified Livestock and Grain Production
Visit a diverse group of livestock, grain and other agribusinesses during this intense and fun-filled, nine day trip to Uruguay. A sampling of the destinations include: large cow-calf and sheep ranches, grass-fed and organic beef and lamb operations, pasture-based dairies, organic vineyards, organic fruit and vegetable producers, large grain and oilseed producers, international grain-merchandisers and several other firms that you probably won’t find in Georgia.
Oh Uruguay, My Uruguay… I hate to leave you now, Your shore is covered in golden sand, and the people there kind, The end is near, the airport I fear, the students all exhausted. Not quite Walt Whitman, but you get the drift. Studying abroad in Uruguay will forever be one of the best opportunities…
I imagined every aspect of this trip being overwhelming, but instead…it’s been over the top rewarding; the places, the people, and the experience. We’ve been able to walk down some of the country’s oldest streets, experience homemade bread at every meal, and talk with some of the most passionate cattle farmers. I look around me…
When I got off the plane in Atlanta, it still hadn’t quite hit me that my time studying in Uruguay had come to an end. Although only a week, this program had an impact that will stay with me forever, and I will always look back upon it with the best memories. The first week…
I have been waiting for this trip for months! I didn’t really have anything in my mind what I was getting into since I have never been to another country. But, so far I have been very impressed from an agricultural view. We have seen some awesome operations and learned so much from management practices…
Our time in Uruguay is coming to an end, but the experiences and memories I’ve had along the way will stay with me forever. It’s our second to last day, and we’ve traveled what seems like the entirety of the country. Visiting the cities and different farms has been amazing, but my favorite day has…
I’m amazed by how much we’ve been able to see so far. On Saturday and Sunday, we explored Montevideo and got to see the beautiful sights and landmarks. Even when we are driving between locations, I can’t stop staring out the window at all the different buildings and landscapes. On Monday, we got to see…
Today has been eventful! I finally made it to the airport. This is my very first time flying so checking in and getting to where I needed to be has been quite the experience. It’s been a very hectic past couple weeks. Between midterms and homework, I feel like I’ve been going like crazy. Although…
Mark Twain said it best – Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Study abroad in Uruguay is…
With only three days until we depart for our study abroad trip to Uruguay, it is a busy time! Between keeping up with academics, packing, and going on a Livestock Judging trip over the next two days, my mind is going in every direction. But, I am excited to get the opportunity to go on…
Preparing for my trip to Uruguay has been one of the most exciting, anxiety-inducing things I’ve ever had to do. For starters, I’ve never been on a plane before, let alone a flight that will take over 9 hours! Thankfully, my friends and other students going on the trip have been super helpful in telling…