Ever since I was a little kid I have been a particularly picky-eater. I am a big supporter of not trying to fix something that’s not broken, so if I know I like it I get it! I understand when people say, “its adventurous to try new things.” Nevertheless, I don’t usually like something. I…
I have had the privilege in growing up surrounded by military veterans ranging from World War Two to the War or Terrorism. I have always been inspired by those individuals, and I have learned to value and embody the morals that they fought for. Naturally, I drifted towards a military career, and now I will…
Day 5 in Uruguay! What a whirlwind this trip has been so far. On this day we were in Treinta y Tres at El Paraiso ranch. This was by far my favorite day! When first discussing the trip details we were not going to be able to ride the nice horses, and I was bummed,…
While in Uruguay, I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to be allowed to participate in new and interesting experiences in the agricultural field. Growing up I never really got to experience livestock or grain production. Consequently, traveling to an international country is a great way to get your feet wet. As pictured…
It would be safe to say that exotic food in any foreign country is a big draw for anyone looking to travel internationally. I’m sure that when most people think of eating in another country they think of exotic dishes and meals that will knock their socks off. This would be no exception. When we…
I am not much of a wine person, but I can tell you that Mrs. Paula has some very good-tasting wine. The day at the vineyard was incredible along with her wines. We tried three different kinds, a white wine called viognier, and two reds Reserva Cabernet Franc and Reserva Tannat Viognier. I was partial…
The beginning of the best day of the trip started with the bus pulling into El Pariso with horses being saddled. I was excited to see Jose’s breeding program and just what kind of horses they had because I have grown up with horses. I’ve never seen any criollos before, so I was interested to…
From the beginning of any discussion of the trip, we were told, “You need to start eating more beef to make sure your stomach is fine on the trip.” Well, I’d be lying if I said this didn’t make me a tad bit nervous. Many questions filled my head making me wonder what the food…
What a wonderful adventure I had in Spain. Lots of delicious food: paella, patatas bravas, seafood and lots of tapas. Lots of cultural experiences: a beautiful Flamenco show and a bull fight. The environment and agriculture: Goat farm, dairy farm, poultry plant, olive oil facility, wine tasting. Nothing better than spending two weeks in Spain…
While visiting Spain on my Maymester “Food, Culture and the Environment” trip I was able to notice a fair amount of differences between the Spanish and America cultures as well as the agriculture. I will say we only visited small scale and more family-owned farms in Spain and I feel that has to do with…