[caption id="attachment_2188" align="alignnone" width="300"] Coffee Beans after different processes[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2189" align="alignnone" width="168"] The view from the campus lounge[/caption]
The three weeks I spent in Cortona, Italy in May certainly changed my life. As I type this, I sit in my room in Athens, surrounded by a few bottles of wine I ordered to be shipped from Italy. Mind you, the bottles are unopened, after all, it is noon and I would never consider…
Now that I am back at school, it is hard to believe I really went on such an amazing study abroad. I was very lucky to be one of the thirty students on that trip and to meet other students with the same passion for traveling. The week I returned home I could not stop…
They say you must lose yourself before finding yourself. I have also always heard lean into the discomfort. It has been over a month since I have returned from France, and I must say I believe both of these statements are completely accurate. In going to France, I had no idea what to expect. I…
The fact that I am leaving the country hadn’t hit me until I tried to registed with Delta for my flight to Ecuador! My family and friends have all helped me prepare for this month long adventure, but my parents have mostly been worried I will get in some sort of trouble. Parents worry too…
Following our arrival into Rome, the other students and I boarded a bus to the city of Cortona. It wasn’t until we could see a city at the top of a huge hill that I had an idea of what the city looked like. As our bus maneuvered up the tight winding roads, we got closer…
France France France, what an experience it has been! We spend most of our days at ENSAT but don’t be mistaken, we have done our fair share of exploring and visiting nearby towns in our free time. As our study abroad in Toulouse is almost over, I am very grateful to for all of the…
Here I sit, one week from the end of this incredible journey. A hot caffé Americano is placed on my table amongst my books and laptop and tattered journal. “Georgia on My Mind” gently fills the room with a smooth jazz rendition. I cannot help but believe that the café owner put this song on…
As I comfortably relax back home, kicking my feet up on an ottoman, I reflect on how thankful I am that finals are over. Although I no longer have finals on my mind, I can think of nothing else but the date May 11th. That is the day that I’ll be boarding a plane and…