Tropical Entomology in Ecuador and the Galápagos
This more-than-two-week short summer session, offered by UGA’s Department of Entomology, allows students to collect samples and photographs of tropical insects while exploring the jungle. Each morning and evening students will hike through various locations on the Galápagos Islands in Ecuador, a tropical country on the equator. The climate and location of the Galápagos Islands provides the perfect environment that led to the development of the Island’s vast and unique plant and animal life. Students of this program have the opportunity to observe a rare example of how biogeographic, evolutionary and ecological influences constituted the flora and fauna of this region.
Hello! My name is Ben Grady, and I will be headed to Ecuador tomorrow! I am very excited to have the opportunity to visit another country with people I have never met before. I am nervous about meeting new people and having to make new friends, but I think that will end up being perfectly…
I can’t believe the time has come!!!!! I have been dreaming of going to the Galapagos Islands since my freshman year at my undergraduate university. I would have never imagined that while getting my Masters, I would be given the opportunity to study in Ecuador, visit the Galapagos Islands and observe the same animal interactions…
In less than 24 hours I will be flying out to Quito, Ecuador to begin a three week tropical entomology study abroad program. I am excited but very nervous as I truly do not know what to expect. I hope my body will adjust well to the new (extremely hot) climate I will experience. I…
Hello everyone! My name is Kelly and I’m a third-year Entomology and Biological Science major at UGA. In the near future, I will be boarding a plane for Ecuador and the Study Abroad of my dreams. Armed with a packing list, itinerary, and a field guide, I have been preparing to go and am so,…
The trip has been crazy so far! Everything in Ecuador is so fascinating and beautiful. Our group is sitting in the airport in Quito, waiting to go to the Galapagos Islands. The trip is ending, and this is the perfect finish. While on mainland Ecuador, I have seen and touched so many bugs. I am…
It’s a bittersweet ending to the month of May. I successfully (somewhat) completed my first year of college, far away from home. I was able to partake in a once-in-a-lifetime experience by studying abroad in Ecuador. Before I start my school year, I never imagined that I would be travelling abroad this year. My next…
Very, very nervous! I’m sitting in the airport right now, waiting for our flight to Quito. I’ve been here approximately 2 hours and the flight isn’t for another hour or so. We left Athens around noon on a UGA bus. I didn’t know those things could be taken off-campus/on the highway. I tried to sleep,…
First things first, I haven’t been as sad as I thought ‘d be returning home. Honestly, it’s probably because I’ve spent the last 2 days laying in bed completing the last of my assignments and sleeping. I haven’t had much time to think about how much I miss Ecuador…but now that I’m sitting here reflecting on…
I don’t want to come home at all. So serious. Just thinking about leaving Ecuador is too much. I’ve been here for less than a month, and I’ve fallen in love. The complete disconnect from the States has been great. The people, the essence of time, the language, the culture. For adjusting back to normal…