This is it. The twenty-four hour mark has finally arrived for my anticipated study abroad trip to Costa Rica. At this time tomorrow, I will be boarding a plane with fellow classmates from UGA to travel nearly two thousand miles away to Costa Rica to fully immerse myself in learning about Coffee Production and Technology.
As a Food Industry Marketing and Administration major, this program simply could not be a better fit for me. I am excited to fully immerse myself for the next week in learning about the agricultural procurement of coffee beans, processing, packaging, and every step along the way in transforming coffee from bean to cup. Hopefully, I will even have the opportunity to practice my Spanish speaking skills along the way as well!
This year will be my first time not celebrating Thanksgiving with my family back home, however, experiences such as this travel opportunity do not come along often, and I am ready to appreciate every second of my journey abroad. But for now, I must finish packing, complete my schoolwork, and get to bed early so that I can dream about coffee tonight…