Costa Rica
When I was getting ready for my study abroad to Costa Rica, I was thinking about the fellow students that I would be going with and expected that I would probably make some friendships. I was hoping that the group would be fun, nice, and we would all enjoy our experience together. However, one thing…
[caption id="attachment_3980" align="alignnone" width="225"] A cacao pod in Costa Rica[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3982" align="alignnone" width="300"] Using a Matate to grind Cocao nibs[/caption] [caption id="attachment_3984" align="alignnone" width="225"] Jade Museum in San Jose[/caption]
Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in the Choco Rica Study abroad in Costa Rica! That was kind of what the email sounded like when I first found out I would be participating in my first trip with UGA Study Abroad. I was excited and had to contain myself because I was ready to…
Colorful birds, amazing waterfalls, active volcanoes, and warm, friendly local people – these are just a few of the things we saw and experienced during our action packed Maymester adventure in Costa Rica. Rising at the crack of dawn, we hiked through the forest, learning about the distinct ecosystems, studying the many different bird species…
Posted in: Uncategorized
Imagine having the land above as your backyard. Now throw you back into the intense scene of the New York coffee trade floor, of yearly price predictions, of crop area and production strategies. On the one hand, the beauty of nature has instilled in you an appreciation for the beauty and power of nature. You…
Posted in: Coffee: From Bean to Cup -
I thought there is not much I can do to prepare myself for a trip to Costa Rica. For traveling experience, I am somewhat decently equipped. For knowledge on coffee and the country, on the other hand, I could learn more and more yet never have enough. Preparation can be intensive or a breeze. Once…
Posted in: Coffee: From Bean to Cup -
I hadn’t been able to get excited about the trip just yet. I have had so much work to complete beforehand between my research and my classes. My luggage is half packed though. So I have that going for me. This isn’t my first study abroad experience; I stayed in Vienna, Austria for four months,…
I cannot believe I will be in Costa Rica at this time, 48 hours from now. Just after pushing through a tough week of exams, I am getting ready to embark on a whirlwind adventure. Its tempting tonight, after staying up until 3 a.m. studying to just want to go home and enjoy the comforts…