This past May I was given the opportunity to go on a study away with the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) through a program titled “Scotland:Youth Engagement in Agriculture”. When I read through the program description I was convinced there couldn’t be a better study-away opportunity that tied into my professional goals. My major is in Agricultural Education with a minor in Animal Science. During our sixteen day trip we were able to teach at three different schools in Dumfries, Scotland, and tour around multiple different cities in Scotland. throughout our trip. Prior to the trip we were able to create lesson plans and activities to help our students better engage with our content. My group specifically was assigned to teach about topical sciences which we developed into a lesson plan focused on the topic of forensics. While I was immensely excited to teach at the schools in Dumfries, I definitely was not prepared for the learning curve that I experienced while teaching for the first time. A significant contributor to this was due to the culture shock I experienced with the structure and the atmosphere of the way the school system is set up in Scotland. To preface, schools in Scotland are divided between a primary school which contains levels P1-P7, and secondary school which contains levels S1-S6, and it is not required to attend school up to the age of eighteen, and they are given the opportunity to pursue college or other career paths given they pass their qualifications. Another notable difference was the secondary school curriculum. While we take a class on a specific subject for a semester or year-long class, their classes rotate every three weeks throughout their normal school year. I greatly enjoyed learning about how their school system works and enjoyed trying my hand at creating and presenting a lesson plan. Overall this experience fueled my already growing excitement for my career as an educator, and opened my eyes to how education functions differently in other countries.