It has been two months now since I have returned from my month abroad, and I wish nothing more than to go back to Italy! Looking back, there were a few things that I wish I would have done differently as I have had time to reflect on my trip. First, if you have the opportunity to go over a day or two early, or day or two later, DO IT. Find a friend with a sense of adventure in your program, and plan out a trip after your program officially ends! Second, learn the language beforehand and work on it while you are there. This will make your trip more enjoyable and give you a sense of being independent and security as you are able to comprehend some of what is being said. All in all, I would not trade this amazing trip for anything, and while little could make this trip any better than what is was, I wish that I would have thrown myself into the culture more and really learned what makes Italy so amazing.

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