Bill Snyder

Bill Snyder wearing a red hat.

Department of Entomology
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602

telephone: (706) 542-2282
fax: (706) 542-2279

Profile on Google Scholar


Ph. D. University of Kentucky, Entomology, May 1999

M.S. Clemson University, Zoology (Ecology), August 1995

B.A. University of Delaware, Biology, January 1992


Starting 2019       Professor, Dept. of Entomology, University of Georgia

2010 – 2019       Professor, Dept. of Entomology, Washington State University

2005 – 2010                Associate Professor, Dept. of Entomology, Washington State University

2000 – 2005                 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Entomology, Washington State University

1999 – 2000                 USDA Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Zoology, University of Wisconsin – Madison (Mentor: Anthony Ives)

1995 – 1999                 NSF-GRT Fellow and Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Entomology, University of Kentucky (Mentor: David Wise)

1992 – 1995                 Teaching Assistant, Depts. of Biological Sciences and Plant Pathology, Clemson Univ. (Mentors: David Tonkyn & Daniel Kluepfel)

Federal Grants

2015-2020       PI (with 16 co-PIs), USDA-NIFA-SCRI, “MAP-PSILDS-PNW: Mapping and Predicting Psyllid Sources, Immigration and Locality-Specific Disease Spread in the PNW”, $2,688,111

2017-2020       co-PI (Jeb Owen at WSU is PI; RO Crespo is second co-PI), USDA-NIFA-ORG, “An ecological approach to disease risk management on organic poultry farms”, $458,145

2017-2019       co-PI (Danny Karp at UC Davis is PI; with 2 other co-PIs), USDA-NIFA-BNRE, “Managing wild birds for improved strawberry production, pest control, and food safety outcomes in the California Central Coast”, $499,999 ($37,321 to WSU)

2015-2019       PI (with 7 co-PIs), USDA-NIFA-OREI, “Avian biodiversity: impacts, risks and descriptive survey (A-BIRDS)”, $1,994,090

2014-2018       PI (with 4 co-PIs), USDA-NIFA-ORG, “A natural approach to human-pathogen suppression: Can biodiversity fill the GAPs?”, $498,235

2013-2017       PI (with 5 co-PIs), USDA-NIFA-ORG, “BAN-PESTS: Biodiversity and natural pest suppression”, $747, 955

2013-2015       co-PI (one of 9 co-PIs; Alex Stone at Oregon State University is PI), USDA-WSARE, “Integrating research and practice in systems management of organic vegetable farms”, $277,430 ($58,875 to WSU)

2010-2014       PI (with 15 co-PIs), USDA-RAMP, “Area-wide Management of Potato Pests (AMPP) in the Pacific Northwest”, $2,048,490

2008-2013       PI (Mike Strand, Univ. of Georgia, is co-PI), USDA-NRI Integrative Biology of Arthropods and Nematodes, “Scared sick? Predator-pathogen complementarity and biological control”, $449,900

2008-2011       PI (with 5 co-PIs), USDA-WSARE, “Combining trap cropping and natural-chemical lures to attract and kill crucifer flea beetles”, $191,868

2004-2008       PI (co-authored with Cory Straub), USDA-NRI Integrative Biology of Arthropods and Nematodes, “Natural enemy biodiversity and the biocontrol of aphids”, $441,000

2004-2007       PI (with 7 co-PIs), USDA-WSARE, “Augmentation and conservation of insect-attacking nematodes and fungi to improve insect control in Pacific Northwest potatoes”, $138,922

2003-2006       PI (co-authored with Gary Chang), USDA-NRI Biologically Based Pest Management, “Alternative prey and biocontrol by generalist predators”, $230,000

2003-2006       PI (co-authored with Renee Prasad, with 5 co-PIs), USDA-WSARE, “Integrating biological control into cole crop production in the Pacific Northwest”, $63,841

2001-2003       PI, Organic Farming Research Foundation and the Washington State Commission on Pesticide Registration (WSCPR), “Integrating conservation of generalist predators and specialist parasitoids in Pacific Northwest organic vegetables”,  $55,300

2000-2003       PI, USDA-NRI Entomology & Nematology (postdoctoral award), “The impact of generalist predators in agricultural and refuge habitats”, $90,000

1997-1999       Co-PI, NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, “Control of insect populations by generalist predators: Impact of intraguild predation”, $7260

Professional Service

  • Subject Editor, Ecology/Ecological Monographs, 2005 – present
  • Subject Editor, Biological Control, 2004 – present
  • Subject Editor, Food Webs, 2014 – present
  • Subject Editor, Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2002 – 2007

Research Publications

Jones, MS, SA Wright, OM Smith, TE Besser, DH Headrick, DW Crowder, and WE Snyder. In press. Organic farms conserve dung beetles capable of disrupting fly vectors of foodborne pathogens. Biological Control.

Snyder, WE. 2019. Give predators a complement: conserving natural enemy biodiversity that improves biocontrol. Invited contribution to special feature “Next generation conservation biological control of arthropods.” Biological Control 135:73-82.

Ge, Y, P Liu, L Zhang, WE Snyder, O Smith, and S Wangpeng. 2019. A sticky situation: honeydew of the pear psylla disrupts feeding by its predator Orius sauteri. Pest Management Science, in press. doi:

Thurman, JM, TD Northfield, and WE Snyder. 2019. Weaver ants provide ecosystem services to tropical tree crops. Invited contribution to the special feature “Ecosystem services and disservices provided by plant-feeding predatory arthropods.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:120. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00120.

Jones, MS, TE Besser, LA Carpenter-Boggs, JP Reganold, JL Tylianakis and WE Snyder. 2019. Organic farming promotes biotic resistance to foodborne human pathogens. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:1117–1127. *Editor’s Choice:

Blubaugh, CK, L Carpenter-Boggs, JP Reganold, RN Schaeffer, and WE Snyder. 2018. Tri-trophic interactions over microbial and nutritional gradients. Invited contribution to special feature “the ecology of plant chemistry and how it drives multi-species interactions.” Frontiers in Plant Science:

Jones, MS, JL Tylianakis, JP Reganold, and WE Snyder. 2018. Dung beetle-mediated soil modification: a data set for analyzing the effects of a recent introduction on soil quality. Ecology:

Blubaugh, CK, JS Asplund, H Atthowe, SD Eigenbrode, MJ Morra, CR Philips, I Popova, JP Reganold, and WE Snyder. 2018. Dual-guild herbivory disrupts predator-prey interactions. Ecology 99:1089-1098.

Northfield TD, SGW Laurance, MM Mayfield, DR Paini, WE Snyder, DB Stouffer, JT Wright, and L Lach. 2018. Native turncoats and indirect facilitation of species invasions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20171936.

Meadows, AJ, JP Owen, and WE Snyder. 2017. Keystone non-consumptive effects within a diverse predator community. Ecology and Evolution: ECE33392.

Krey, KL, CK Blubaugh, EG Chapman, CM Lynch, GB Snyder, AS Jensen, Z Fu, DA Prischmann-Voldseth, JD Harwood, and WE Snyder. 2017. Generalist predators consume spider mites despite the presence of alternative prey. Biological Control 115:157-164.

Lichtenberg, EM, CM Kennedy, C Kremen, F Berendse, P Bátary, F. Berendse, R Bommarco, NA Bosque-Perez, LG Carvalheiro, WE Snyder, NM Williams, R Winfree, DW Crowder (and 52 others). 2017. A global synthesis of the effects of diversified farming on arthropod alpha and gamma diversity. Global Change Biology 11:4946-4957.

Mondal, S, EJ Wenninger, PJS Hutchinson, JL Whitworth, D Shrestha, SD Eigenbrode, NA Bosque-Perez, and WE Snyder. 2017. Responses of aphid vectors of potato leaf roll virus to potato varieties in southern Idaho. Plant Disease 10:1812-1818.

Fu, Z, J Kelley, Q Zheng, A Bergland, CI Castillo Carrillo, AS Jensen, and WE Snyder. 2017. Using NextRAD sequencing to infer movement of herbivores among host plants. PLOS ONE: 0177742.

Meadows, AJ, DW Crowder and WE Snyder. 2016. Wolves are just wasps with teeth? What invertebrates can teach us about mammal top predators. Food Webs: 2016.09.004.

Parker, JE, DW Crowder, SD Eigenbrode and WE Snyder. 2016. Trap-crop diversity enhances crop protection. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, in press.

Boyer, S, WE Snyder and SD Wratten. 2016. Molecular and isotopic approaches to food webs in agroecosystems. Food Webs, in press.

Karp, DS, R Moses, S Gennet, M Jones, S Joseph, LK M’Gonigle, LC Ponisio, WE Snyder, and C Kremen. 2016. Farming practices for food safety threaten pest-control services to fresh produce. Journal of Applied Ecology, in press.

Eigenbrode, SD, ANE Birch, S Lindsey, R Meadow and WE Snyder. 2016. A mechanistic framework to improve understanding and applications of push-pull systems in pest management. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:202–212.

Jones, MS and WE Snyder. 2016. Beneficial insect biodiversity in agriculture. In: Insect Biodiversity: Current Trends and Future Prospects (Eds. P Adler and R Foottit). Wiley Blackwell, in press.

Castillo Carrillo, CI, Z Fu, AS Jensen and WE Snyder. 2016. Arthropod pests and predators associated with bittersweet nightshade, a non-crop host of the potato psyllid. Environmental Entomology, in press.

Castillo Carrillo, CI, J Funderburk and WE Snyder. 2016. Thrips collected from Solanum dulcamara (Solanales: Solanaceae) in Washington and Idaho. Florida Entomologist 99:306-307.

Gontijo, LM, EH Beers and WE Snyder. 2015. Complementary suppression of aphids by predators and parasitoids. Biological Control 90:83-91.

Alyokhin, A, D Mota-Sanchez, M Baker, WE Snyder, S Menasha, M Whalon, G Dively, and WF Moarsi. 2015. The Red Queen in a potato field: Integrated pest management versus chemical dependency in Colorado potato beetle control. Pest Management Science 71:343-356.

Northfield, TD, DW Crowder, T Takizawa and WE Snyder. 2014. Pairwise interactions between functional groups improve biological control. Biological Control 78:49-54.

Gontijo, LM, EH Beers and WE Snyder. 2013. Flowers promote aphid suppression in apple orchards. Biological Control 66:8-15.

Gable, J, TD Northfield, DW Crowder, SA Steffan and WE Snyder. 2012. Niche engineering reveals complementary resource use. Ecology 93:1994-2000.

Crowder, DW, TD Northfield, R Gomulkiewicz and WE Snyder. 2012. Conserving and promoting evenness: Organic farming and fire-based wildland management as case studies. Ecology 93:2001-2007.

Northfield, TD, SD Eigenbrode, GB Snyder and WE Snyder. 2012. A simple plant mutation abets a predator-diversity cascade. Ecology 93: 411-420.

Takizawa, T, and WE Snyder. 2012. Alien versus predator: can native predators resist lady beetle invasion? Biological Control 63:79-86.

Jabbour, R, DW Crowder, EA Aultman and WE Snyder. 2011. Entomopathogen biodiversity increases host mortality. Biological Control 59:277-283.

Takizawa, T, and WE Snyder. 2011. Predator biodiversity increases the survivorship of juvenile predators. Oecologia 166:723-730.

Takizawa, T, and WE Snyder. 2011. Cannibalism and intraguild predation of eggs within a diverse predator assemblage. Environmental Entomology 40:8-14.

Crowder, DW, TD Northfield, MR Strand and WE Snyder. 2010. Organic agriculture promotes evenness and natural pest control. Nature 466:109-112.

Northfield, TD, GB Snyder, AR Ives and WE Snyder. 2010. Niche saturation reveals resource partitioning among consumers. Ecology Letters 13:338-348.

Steffan, SA and WE Snyder. 2010. Cascading diversity effects transmitted exclusively by behavioral interactions. Ecology 91:2242-2252.

Prasad, RP and WE Snyder. 2010. A non-trophic interaction chain links predators in different spatial niches. Oecologia 162:747-753.

Finke, DL, and WE Snyder. 2010. Conserving the benefits of predator biodiversity. Biological Conservation 143:2260-2269.

Crowder, DW and WE Snyder. 2010. Eating their way to the top? Mechanisms underlying the success of invasive insect generalist predators. Biological Invasions 12:2857-2876.

Ramirez, RA, DW Crowder, GB Snyder, MR Strand and WE Snyder. 2010. Antipredator behavior of Colorado potato beetle larvae differs by instar and attacking predator. Biological Control 53:230-237.

Ramirez, RA and WE Snyder. 2009. Scared sick? Predator-pathogen facilitation enhances the exploitation of a shared resource. Ecology 90:2832-2839.

Snyder, WE. 2009. Coccinellids in diverse communities: which niche fits? Biological Control 51:323–335.

Henderson, DR, E Riga, RA Ramirez, J Wilson and WE Snyder. 2009. Mustard biofumigation disrupts biocontrol by Steinernema spp. nematodes in the soil. Biological Control 48:316-322.

Ramirez, RA, DR Henderson, E Riga, LA Lacey and WE Snyder. 2009. Harmful effects of mustard bio-fumigants on entomopathogenic nematodes. Biological Control 48:147-154.

Finke, DL and WE Snyder. 2008. Niche partitioning increases resource exploitation by diverse communities. Science 321:1488-1490.

Straub, CS and WE Snyder. 2008. Increasing enemy biodiversity strengthens herbivore suppression on two plant species. Ecology 89:1605-1615.

Straub, CS, DL Finke and WE Snyder. 2008. Are the conservation of natural enemy biodiversity and biological control compatible goals? Biological Control 45:225-237.

Snyder, GB, DL Finke and WE Snyder. 2008. Predator biodiversity strengthens herbivore suppression in single and multiple prey communities. Biological Control 44:52-60.

Chang, GC and WE Snyder. 2008. Pymetrozine causes a nontarget pest, the Colorado potato beetle, to leave potato plants. Journal of Economic Entomology 101:74-80.

Prischmann, DA, DG James, CP Storm, LC Wright and WE Snyder. 2007. Identity, abundance, and phenology of Anagrus spp. associated with grape, blackberry and rose in Washington State. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 100:41-52.

Snyder, WE and EW Evans. 2006. Ecological effects of invasive arthropod generalist predators. Annual Review of Ecology Evolution and Systematics 37:95-122.

Snyder, WE, GB Snyder, DL Finke and CS Straub. 2006. Predator biodiversity strengthens herbivore suppression. Ecology Letters 9:789-796.

Prasad, RP and WE Snyder. 2006. Diverse trait-mediated indirect interactions in a multi-predator, multi-prey community. Ecology 87:1131-1137.

Prasad, RP and WE Snyder. 2006. Polyphagy complicates conservation biological control that targets generalist predators. Journal of Applied Ecology 43:343-352.

Straub, CS and WE Snyder. 2006. Species identity dominates the relationship between predator biodiversity and herbivore suppression. Ecology 87:277-282.

Prischmann, DA, DG James, LC Wright, and WE Snyder. 2006. Effects of generalist phytoseiid mites and grapevine canopy structure on spider mite biocontrol. Environmental Entomology 35:56-67.

Ives, AR, BJ Cardinale and WE Snyder. 2005. A synthesis of subdisciplines: predator-prey interactions, and biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Ecology Letters 8:102-116.

Prischmann, DA, DG James, LC Wright, RD Teneyck and WE Snyder. 2005. Effects of chlorpyriphos and sulfur on spider mites and their natural enemies. Biological Control 33:324-334.

Koss, AM and WE Snyder. 2005. Alternative prey disrupt biocontrol by a guild of generalist predators. Biological Control 32:243-251.

Koss, AM, AS Jensen, A Schreiber, KS Pike and WE Snyder. 2005. A comparison of predator and pest communities in Washington potato fields treated with broad-spectrum, selective or organic insecticides. Environmental Entomology 34:87-95.

Snyder, WE, GM Clevenger and SD Eigenbrode. 2004. Intraguild predation and successful invasion by introduced ladybird beetles. Oecologia 140:559-565.

Prasad, RP and WE Snyder. 2004. Predator interference limits fly egg biological control by a guild of ground-active beetles. Biological Control 31:428-437.

Chang, GC and WE Snyder. 2004. The relationship between predator density, community composition, and field predation on Colorado potato beetle eggs. Biological Control 31:453-461.

Snyder, WE and GM Clevenger. 2004. Negative dietary effects of Colorado potato beetle eggs for the larvae of native and introduced ladybird beetles. Biological Control 31:353-361.

Koss, AM, GC Chang and WE Snyder. 2004. Predation of green peach aphids by generalist predators in the presence of alternative, Colorado potato beetle egg prey. Biological Control 31:237-244.

Demmon, AS, HJ Nelson, PJ Ryan, AR Ives and WE Snyder. 2004. The parasitoid Aphidius ervi increases its adult size by disrupting host wing development. Environ. Entomology 33:1523-1527.

Snyder, WE, SN Ballard, S Yang, GM Clevenger, TD Miller, JJ Ahn, TD Hatten and AA Berryman. 2004. Complementary biocontrol of aphids by the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis and the parasitoid Aphelinus asychis on glasshouse roses. Biological Control 30:229-235.

Snyder, WE and AR Ives. 2003. Interactions between specialist and generalist natural enemies: parasitoids, predators, and pea aphid biocontrol. Ecology 84:91-107.

Snyder, WE and DH Wise. 2001. Contrasting trophic cascades generated by a community of generalist predators. Ecology 82:1571-1583.

Snyder, WE and AR Ives. 2001. Generalist predators disrupt biological control by a specialist parasitoid. Ecology 82:705-716.

Williams, JL, WE Snyder and DH Wise. 2001. Sex-based differences in antipredator behavior in the spotted cucumber beetle. Environmental Entomology 30:327-332.

Snyder, WE, SB Joseph, RF Preziosi and AJ Moore. 2000. Nutritional benefits of cannibalism for the ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis when prey quality is poor. Environ. Entomology 29:1173-1179.

Snyder, WE and DH Wise. 2000. Antipredator behavior of spotted cucumber beetles in response to predators that pose varying risks. Environmental Entomology 29:35-42.

Snyder, WE and DH Wise. 1999. Predator interference and the establishment of generalist predator populations for biocontrol. Biological Control 15:283-292.

Snyder, WE, DW Tonkyn and DA Kluepfel. 1999. Transmission of a genetically engineered rhizobacterium by grasshoppers in the laboratory and in the field. Ecological Applications 9:245-253.

Preziosi, RF, WE Snyder, CP Grill and AJ Moore. 1999. The fitness of manipulating phenotypes: Implications for studies of fluctuating asymmetry and multivariate selection. Evolution 53:1312-1318.

Joseph, SB, WE Snyder and AJ Moore. 1999. Larvae of the ladybug Harmonia axyridis use endogenous cues to avoid cannibalizing relatives. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12:792-797.

Wise, DH, WE Snyder, P Tuntibunpakul and J Halaj. 1999. Spiders in decomposition food webs of agroecosystems: theory and evidence. Journal of Arachnology 27:363-370.

Snyder, WE, DW Tonkyn and DA Kluepfel. 1998. Insect mediated dispersal of the rhizobacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis. Phytopathology 88:1248-1254.

Snyder, WE and LE Hurd. 1995. Egg hatch phenology and intraguild predation between two mantid species. Oecologia 104:496-500.

Hurd, LE, RM Eisenberg, WF Fagan, KJ Tilmon, WE Snyder, KS Vandersall, SG Datz and JD Welch.1994. Cannibalism reverses male-biased sex ratio in adult mantids: female strategy against food limitation? Oikos 69:193-198.

Eisenberg, RM, LE Hurd, WF Fagan, KJ Tilmon, WE Snyder, KS Vandersall, SG Datz and JD Welch. 1992. Adult dispersal of Tenodera aridifolia sinensis. Environmental Entomology 21:350-353.

Books and Book Chapters

Jones, MS and WE Snyder. 2018. Beneficial insect biodiversity in agriculture. In: Insect Biodiversity: Current Trends and Future Prospects (Eds. P Adler and R Foottit). Wiley Blackwell.

Gurr, GM, SD Wratten and WE Snyder (Eds). 2012. Biodiversity and insect pests: key issues for sustainable management. Wiley Blackwell.

Lynch, CA, DW Crowder, R Jabbour and WE Snyder. 2012. Spud web: Species interactions and biodiversity in potatoes. In: Insect Pests of the World’s Potatoes: Biology and Management (Eds. P Giordanengo, A Alyokhin and C Vincent). Elsevier.

Northfield, TD, DW Crowder, R Jabbour and WE Snyder. 2012. Predator functional identity and biological control. In: Interaction Richness and Complexity: Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects of Trait-Mediated Indirect Interactions (Eds. T Ohgushi, OJ Schmitz and RD Holt). Cambridge University Press.

Evans, EW and WE Snyder. 2010. Ladybugs. In: Encyclopedia of Invasive Introduced Species (Eds. D Simberloff and M Rejmánek). University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

Eigenbrode, SD, WE Snyder, G Clevenger, H Ding, and SN Gorb. 2009. Variable attachment to plant surface waxes by predatory insects. In: Functional Surfaces in Biology (Ed. SN Gorb). Springer, New York, pp. 157-181.

Snyder, WE and AR Ives. 2008. Population dynamics and species interactions. In: Integrated Pest Management (Eds. EB Radcliffe and WD Hutchison). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 62-74.

Snyder, WE and AR Ives. 2008. Behavior influences whether intra-guild predation disrupts herbivore suppression by parasitoids. In: Behavioral Ecology of Insect Parasitoids (Eds. E Wajnberg, C Bernstein & J van Alphen). Blackwell Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 71-91.

Straub, CS and WE Snyder. 2006. Experimental approaches to understanding the relationship between predator biodiversity and biological control. In: Progress in Biological Control: Trophic and Guild Interactions in Biological Control (Eds. G. Boivin and J. Brodeur), pp. 221-239. Springer, New York.

Snyder, WE and CS Straub. 2005. Exploring the relationship among predator diversity, intraguild predation, and effective biological control. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods 1:472-479.

Snyder, WE, GC Chang and RP Prasad. 2005. Conservation biological control: biodiversity influences the effectiveness of predators. In: Ecology of Predator-Prey Interactions (eds. P. Barbosa & I. Castellanos), pp. 324-343. Oxford University Press, London.

Kluepfel, DA, T Lamb, WE Snyder and DW Tonkyn. 1995. Six years of field-testing of a lacZY modified fluorescent Pseudomonad. In: Biological Monitoring of Genetically Engineered Plants and Microbes (ed. Daniel D. Jones), pp. 169 –176. Agricultural Research Institute, Bethesda, MD.

Extension Publications and Web Presentations

Smith, OM and WE Snyder. 2018. Identifying bird nests on farm structures. eOrganic 74686.

DeVetter, L, B Gerdeman, M Arrington, H Spitler, WE Snyder, and OM Smith. 2018. How border vegetation impacts pollination and insect and bird species abundance on Washington blueberry farms. Whatcom Ag Monthly 7(4):

Smith, OM, M Chu, RL Crain, LV Dicks, CM Kennedy and WE Snyder. 2018. Tools for farm biodiversity. eOrganic webinar.

Blubaugh, CK and WE Snyder. 2017. Video: Scouting Vegetable Crops: An Introduction for Farmers. eOrganic Publication 74490.

Jones, MS and WE Snyder. 2017. Dung Beetles: How to identify and benefit from nature’s pooper scoopers. eXtension/eOrganic Publication 74557.

Blubaugh, CK, S Judson and WE Snyder. 2017. Biodiversity and natural pest suppression in the Pacific Northwest. Tilth Producers Quarterly 27(2):11-14.

Smith, OM and WE Snyder. 2017. Western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) identification, diet, and management for organic farmers. eXtension/eOrganic publication 74434.

Smith, OM and WE Snyder. 2017. Identification, diet, and management of chickadees and warblers common on organic farms. eXtension/eOrganic publication 74436.

Smith, OM and WE Snyder. 2017. Identification, diet, and management of swallows and swifts common on organic farms. eXtension/eOrganic publication 74435.

Horton, DR, J Thinakaran, WR Cooper, JE Munyaneza CH Wohleb, TD Waters, WE Snyder, Z Fu, DW Crowder, AS Jensen. 2016. Matrimony vine and potato psyllid in the Pacific Northwest: a worrisome marriage? Potato Progress 16:1-12.

Snyder, WE. 2015. Managing squash bugs in organic farming systems. eXtension/eOrganic publication 63329.

Asplund, J and D O’Brien. 2015. Systems Organic Management Suppresses Cabbageworm Outbreaks: Evidence from 4 Long-term Organic Farms. eOrganic webinar. (

Parker, JE and WE Snyder. 2014. Diversity by design: using trap crops to control the crucifer flea beetle. eOrganic webinar.

Parker, JE, C Miles, T Murray and WE Snyder. 2012. Organic management of flea beetles. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication #640.

Snyder, WE. 2012. Managing cucumber beetles in organic farming systems. eXtension/eOrganic publication 64274.

Henderson, D, E Riga and WE Snyder. 2007. Multifaceted biocontrol methods against Columbia root knot nematode and Colorado potato beetle. Potato Progress 7:3-4.

Lacey, LA, E Riga and WE Snyder. 2004. The potential for using insect specific pathogens for control of insect pests of potato in North America. Potato Progress 4:1-3.

Hoagland, L, R Gallagher, D Bezdicek, B Carter, S Higgins, M Fauci, H Hinman and W Snyder. 2003. Alternative strategies to transition to organic wheat production in the Palouse. Sustaining the Pacific Northwest 1:1-3.

Snyder, WE, AA Berryman, T Miller and JJ Ahn. 2003. Automated management of greenhouse rose pests. International Cut Flower Grower Bulletin (May): 16-24.

Snyder, WE and AK Fallahi. 2002. Using soft pesticides to conserve natural enemies in Washington potato fields. Agrichemical and Environmental News 193:1-5.

Snyder, WE and AK Fallahi. 2001. Bug of the month – damsel bug. Agrichemical and Environmental News 188:19.

Snyder, WE, AK Fallahi and MD Eubanks. 2001. Bug of the month – big eyed bug. Agrichemical and Environmental News 186:23.