Specimen Donations
Donations of specimens have helped to greatly enrich the holdings of the UGCA. Please contact the UGCA staff to notify them of any plans to donate material. Potential donations will be prioritized and accepted as space and funding permit.
Monetary Donations
We greatly appreciate any contributions made to the UGA Collection of Arthropods. These funds support the care of the collection and our outreach activities. Donations can be made in two ways:
1) Write a check to the “UGA Foundation Museum of Natural History Support Fund” and mail it to the Georgia Museum of Natural History with a letter stating that the donation is “an unrestricted gift to support the Georgia Museum of Natural History in appreciation for the activities of the Collection of Arthropods.”
2) Make a gift through the Museum’s donation webpage. In this case, it would be helpful if you contacted the Museum Director or the UGCA staff to inform them that your donation is intended to support the Collection of Arthropods.
Thank you!