Agricultural, Organizational and Community Development
In the United States, the term “housewife” comes with a plethora of opinions & associations. Whether Americans love the concept or hate it, generally the status of being a housewife is one saved for women in affluent families. In traditional Moroccan families, however, the term “housewife” doesn’t really exist; it is simply just a fact…
The Kingdom of Morocco is generally considered an Islamic country. The population is made up of more than 37 million people with at least 99% being Muslims. In my own community, the large percentage of people I encounter are of the Christian faith. This difference coupled with the influence of Islam on Moroccan culture &…
The social status of being a female agricultural worker carries a heavy weight, and what comes with cultivating the land as a woman can only be understood by being one. In Morocco, 52% of the agricultural labor force are women. Almost all women in rural areas work on farms in addition to household chores like…
Everytime someone asks me what I enjoyed the most in Morocco, I tend to say something different. My answer is never the same, and it seems that my favorite thing really just depends on my mood at the time I’m asked. Though I’ve given it lots of thought, I really can’t choose a favorite day…
Almost immediately upon arriving in Morocco, something significant stood out to me- the strong sense of community. As we drove into the city of Casablanca late Sunday night after landing, I noticed that there were many people outside hanging out. This stood out to me because it was getting later into the night, and it…
Agriculture is an important sector to many economies. Aside from making food available, agriculture makes contributions to global GDP accounting for more than 4% and as much 25% to national GDP for some least developed countries. Additionally, the sector is major a source of livelihoods where 27% of all employment is agriculture related. Agriculture is…
Before departing, we took part in orientations to prepare us for our experience in Morocco where we were given information about the country. In addition, I researched about the country in relation to dress code, greetings, and other aspects about the culture not included in the materials provided. I recall reading about how liberal Morocco…
Morocco was not the only study abroad I was able to participate in this summer. I also had the opportunity to do the Scotland: Youth Engagement in Agriculture. The Morocco study abroad program ran from May 14 to 28, and the Scotland program ran from June 4 to the 18. The couple of days in…
We visited a lot of farms during the two weeks in Morocco, and one of the farms was run by a man who previously left his digital marketing job in the city in order to start his farm. This farm was one of my favorites because I could relate to the farmer. He started his…
My name is Catrina Chamberlain. I am majoring in Agricultural Communications. I decided to participate in the Morocco: Agriculture, Organizational and Community Development Maymester because I have always dreamed about traveling to Morocco and experiencing all the beautiful scenery. When I committed to studying abroad in Morocco, I was most excited about going to the…