Costa Rica
This photo was taken on the first day of my Avian Biology Maymester in Costa Rica. Although it was only 3:00 in the afternoon, I had already seen so much. We had flown in the night before and were up and ready to go at 5:30 the next morning. On our way out we drove…
For my summer semester I got to spend 2 weeks in a beautiful tropical jungle in Costa Rica. It went very well for nearly the entire first two days. We were staying in a little room with no air conditioning that was open to any bugs that wanted to come in and cuddle with you.…
With my Spring semester finished at the University of Georgia, I had just one week before I would be departing to attend the UGA Avian Biology Maymester program in Costa Rica. This program would be my first study abroad experience therefore; I had no clue what to expect. I was told by numerous people who…
There are plenty of things to know while preparing for a study abroad. From packing, to everyday activities while abroad, it is very important to know what you’re getting yourself into. For the Costa Rica Avian Biology Maymester program, in particular, I found that there are a few things that I wish I knew before…
To say the least, my experience studying abroad in Costa Rica was absolutely amazing. It was truly an experience that I will never forget because of all the remarkable memories. As an Avian Biology major, you could imagine how much I enjoyed traveling to Costa Rica to study Avian Biology. Going to the most biodiverse…
Only a week after having taken my last final, I boarded an airplane and was off to explore the wilderness of Costa Rica! I was very apprehensive going into this 14-day excursion. I do not speak Spanish, and I was worried I would not be able to communicate at all with the Ticos and Ticas…
During our study abroad we traveled all over the northern part of Costa Rica, trying to explore all sorts of different ecosystems ranging from cloud forest to saltwater wetlands. Every place had unique species that had adapted to survive in the environment, but one of my favorite places was the Caribbean lowland rain forest…
Hiking was one of the most common activities during my study abroad trip. In order to find elusive birds and animals, it was often necessary to go for an hour hike, sometimes even getting off the trail for a while; however, for me the most interesting hikes weren’t through dense woods or off trail, it…
One of the things I was most excited to experience in my study abroad was the food. Costa Rica is famous for amazing fruits and homemade meals, and I couldn’t wait to try them. As soon as we left San Jose, I got to experience an amazing variety of foods along with some Costa Rican…
Although the main focus of my trip was to study Avian Biology, I also learned an amazing amount of information about Costa Rica, especially their efforts on conservation. Many species found in Costa Rica are hard to find anywhere else in the world, which makes conservation an issue of great importance to the people.…