As I headed to the airport with my parents, I naturally had some travel jitters but was very excited for the trip that was ahead of me! Once we landed and made it through customs, we met our gracious host, Bruno. Bruno had taken the time to memorize all of our faces with our names before arrival. This definitely started the trip off really well because this gesture made me feel welcome! After this, we made our way to the hotel we were going to be spending the next couple of days at. We then had some delicious pizza for lunch at a restaurant close by. After lunch we had a little free time to walk around or take a quick nap. Myself and a few girls on the trip with me decided to go get some ice cream at a local ice cream shop! It was such a fun experience because we had to order completely in Spanish. Luckily, our friend Cindie on the trip with us knew Spanish fluently and helped us a lot!

When our free time was over, we got on the bus and traveled to several historical sites around the city of Montevideo. I really enjoyed getting to do this. I liked that, not only did we get to learn about agriculture in Uruguay, but we also were able to learn about Uruguay’s history and background. I think that when traveling to another country, it is important to learn about the country as a whole and not just about your objectives for traveling to the country. Bruno truly took such pride in his country and knew so many interesting facts! In the picture I attached is of me sitting on the letter “d” of the letters spelling out Montevideo. These letters overlooked the Rio de la Plata.

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