Before leaving for Scotland, I had only had one other experience in Europe. This previous experience was 4 years ago, and similar to the trip we had this spring break, was 10 days in length. Because of this, my expectations for the trip varied from other students that I knew would be headed to Scotland with me. Others were experiencing leaving the country for the first time, while some were on their first flight. For me, however, my biggest anxiety lied just in what our trip would entail: Teaching. I am an Agriculture Education major but have yet to experience the classroom in a manner where I have been the teacher. Growing up with my mother being a Georgia educator, I had worked with these aged students before. The kids we were going to be helping were elementary age and were in Primary School (as they call it). As crazy as it sounds, that was the largest challenge for me to face, and in my upcoming posts, I will provide pictures and stories of what happened while we were there!