Whenever I spoke to someone about their study abroad experience to Costa Rica, everyone’s first response was “the food is amazing!” then followed with “and the campus was really incredible!” When I first looked into the UGA Avian Biology Maymester program, I assumed our program would remain on the UGA satellite campus and do day-trips to our activity sites. However, I was largely mistaken. The Avian Biology program is unique in the fact that it travels to 9 different locations through the course of 21 days. The program does this because Costa Rica holds 4.5% of the world’s biodiversity and has numerous different ecosystems and microclimates, implying that we have to travel to different areas of Costa Rica to see these various species of animals and plants.
Throughout our trip, we explored 9 different ecosystems: from the rainforest to the cloud forest, from the low lands to the high lands. We experienced such vast climates that I was shocked – and impressed – that this many ecosystems could exist within one country alone!
It was absolutely incredible to go to the cloud forest and see spider monkeys and resplendent quetzals one day and then to travel to the low lands and see breeding herons and sloths the next! Although, to be honest, it was difficult living out of a suitcase for 21 days and constantly changing locations, it was SO. WORTH. IT! The plethora of animal and plant species I saw in such a short period of times makes up for the change in scenery every 2 days. By far, my favorite memories from the trip will be walking around with my peers and professor, standing in awe and admiring animals I never even knew existed! The resplendent quetzal and the bell bird were two avian species I will not soon forget, for they were species I could not look away from because of their unique coloring and interesting mating calls.
I kept a journal throughout my time in Costa Rica and took notes on the different locations we stayed at, and cannot wait to go back one day and explore them further! Costa Rica is truly is a treasure chest of a country that holds so many secrets and gems waiting to be seen. The people, the views, and the species were incredibly diverse and so incredible worth the countless hours in the bus on bumpy, dirt roads. Costa Rica, you will always hold a special place in my heart! Thank you for reminding me that the Earth is such a beautiful place! Costa Rica, Pura Vida!
Love, Annika.