When I was first accepted into the Viticulture and Enology Maymester, I was so excited and started planning right away even though it felt like FOREVER (or maybe just four months) until I would be hopping on the plane and saying goodbye to America. In the few days before departure, I was extremely busy with my graduation and moving out of my house in Athens that I did not even have much time to be anxious about my trip. I had a couple of days to pack for Italy and then I was on my way to the Atlanta airport where my dad dropped me off, and I was just excited to be going through TSA Precheck instead of waiting in the awful lines at regular security. I met the few friends that were going on the trip with me at the gate and we talked about how long the flight would be and how we hoped to sleep for most of it since we would be arriving in Italy at 10:30 am with a full day ahead of us. Pre-departure, I was really never anxious at all, mainly because I didn’t have time to be, and that busy schedule just kept progressing until I was on the way home from Italy about a month later.