New Adventures

To be completely honest, studying abroad had never really occurred to me. Normally, I am quite the home-body and don’t like to venture too far out of my cultural comfort zone. I went to Colorado for eight days this past summer, and that was even a little tough for me to adjust to. Long story short, when I told my parents I was applying to go to Scotland they were shocked. They were even more surprised to find out that I didn’t really even know anyone attending the trip. This whole experience was totally out of character for me, but I definitely think it was in a good way. I’m not really sure what exactly made me decide to apply for this trip, but I sure am glad I did. I had to put all my worries aside in preparation for the trip and just focus on how LUCKY I am to have this opportunity. As the trip got closer and closer, I almost couldn’t believe I was really getting to fly overseas and see the world outside of North America for the first time.  My family always went on vacations to the beach, and I had even been on a couple of cruises, but nothing compared to being across the Atlantic immersed in an entirely different culture. The process of just getting to Dumfries, Scotland was an adventure in itself. Nothing can prepare you for traveling through the night, a five hour time change, two planes, two buses, a train, and a lengthy walk after being awake for over 30 hours to finally get settled in to a hotel. But as they all say, it’s all part of the experience I suppose. After the long trek, our group had bonded quite a bit and we were all eager for what was to come- after a nice long nights sleep that is.
