What a busy day! I spent the day finishing up labs and midterms as well as packing. Being the procrastinator that I am, I waited until the last minute to pack. It was incredibly stressful. I made three trips to WalMart today. My best friend Shelby, who has been on multiple international trips, helped tremendously. I am so glad she could help. I am so excited to leave Athens in 12 short hours. Hopefully, I will rest easy tonight, so I can prepare for a busy day tomorrow. I am so excited to be taking this trip with a few members of my Ag Ed cohort. We are already good friends, and I am sure this experience will only make us closer.
Right now, the only thing holding me pack from Scotland in a Greenhouse Management lab (and a 9 hour plane ride)!
I can’t wait to see what this week will bring me.