Well, today is the day we leave for Uruguay! I spent all night last night packing and attempting to fit all of my stuff in a carry on luggage bag. Most people said I couldn’t pack everything I needed in such a small bag, but I did! I am headed to the airport now with my family and can’t help but feel all the nervousness and excitement that I have for this trip! I have talked to numerous people who have previously gone on the Uruguay study abroad, and I can’t wait to see and experience everything for myself. I feel so lucky to be traveling with one of my best friends and all of my new friends in the group. I have my passport and plane tickets ready, a backpack full of snacks (literally), and my blanket and neck pillow for the twelve hour plane ride. I’m ready for you, Uruguay!
Here We Go!
Posted in: International Agribusiness in Diversified Livestock and Grain Production, Reflection, Spring Break, Uruguay
Tags: #AgDawgAbroad, #godawgs, agdawgsabroad, agriculture, CAES, Pre-trip, SpringBreak, study abroad