It’s 12:15 am the day I leave for my study abroad and I just started packing, in my typical procrastinator fashion. Ironically, I’m very much the planner, I just continually put off carrying out those plans. I told myself that I would try to change that before studying abroad, but clearly that didn’t happen.

I go back and forth between excited and terrified (in a good way?) because I’ve never been out of the country or really traveled alone before. Even though we have an extensive itinerary, I still feel like I have no idea what’s going to happen, hence the excitement and apprehension. I guess we’ll see which side wins out when I try to navigate customs later today: will I be the overzealous student who can’t stop chattering to any and all or the anxious student who may or may not be on the verge of a breakdown?  (I’m betting on a panic attack.)

See you in Rome.

-R. Vahey

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