Today we visited the Julia Ortiz Farm. What an incredible experience it was seeing this well-diversified agriculture operation up close and personal. The Ortiz family obviously made the serious effort to ensure we had a great time while learning about their operation. Without a doubt, the Ortiz family was successful in providing us an enjoyable learning experience.
At the beginning of the tour, we were given a printed PowerPoint presentation that contained much information about the farm and the economics of the farm. The brief opening farm overview was concluded by a very informative question and answer session. After our opening overview, we were given a detailed tour of the farm and given the opportunity to ride horses around the farm. Our tour was concluded by a delicious lamb lunch from an animal that was raised on the Julia Ortiz Farm.
As an Agricultural & Applied Economics major I was appreciative of the detailed financial information the farm provided and the opportunity to discuss the economic aspects of the farm with the owners. After we left the farm, I was afforded the unique opportunity to discuss the economic aspects of the farm with one of my former professors, Dr Nathan Smith and Agricultural & Applied Economics Department Head Dr Octavio Ramirez. This distinctive opportunity to see agricultural economics outside the textbooks has freshly renewed my desire to learn more about economics in agriculture.