Chandler Gruener

  • Zeus on Earth

    Looking for Zeus in the clouds while reality can be found on earth. At least Zeus Lupulo (hops) are found in Brazil for beer production. While beer and specifically craft breweries, are growing in popularity in Brazil and USA. Increase in demand and every place searching for their unique flavor to attract customers, a hop…

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  • Peanut-Production in Brazil

    A peanut place not only is in Georgia but is in Brazil, with such an important peanut-producing place for the world. There are many connections between Georgia and Brazil, but this was my first time being involved with peanuts. My trip focused on getting new experiences and working with new crops to me in research…

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  • Sunflowers with No Sun

    Having no sun, at least for a little bit of time each day during the summer, is normal due to a large amount of rain compared to most places in the USA. Rain is a relief from the heat, in addition, filling the groundwater wells where people get their water is greatly welcomed. This water…

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