Abigail Pierce
May 21, 2016 Today was spent in multiple different locations around Salaj County where we got to see a few different people’s specialized trade. With each site visit, we saw hardworking, dedicated and prideful people with a product to offer that made these characteristics visible. At the honey processing facility, they shared with us the…
May 20, 2016 It is our first night with our host families and I can already feel my heart expanding eight sizes. I have that felt that deep feeling that I get when I feel most connected with myself and the world around me. This feeling comes on when I feel a sense of community,…
It is the night (hours) before I am to wake up and head to the airport to embark on my first study abroad experience, and I find myself siting in the middle of my bedroom floor surrounded by my clothes that are not yet organized and packed into my suitcase. I have written and re-written…