One thing that initially drew me to participating in a UGA study abroad program was that it would be a group of people exploring and traveling together in a new place. I haven’t been able to travel a ton, and actually hadn’t been across the Atlantic until the study abroad program in Morocco, so while much of the idea of traveling has always appealed to me I was always a bit nervous about embarking on trips with little travel/long haul flying experience. This is where the opportunity to join a program like the UGA maymester abroad really felt like a door opening to encourage me out of my comfort zones while also ensuring I would have other people to experience traveling with since I do have less experience than some. Beyond that, I was certainly nervous to fly solo on a connecting flight then overnight to Morocco, as I’ve only done a short solo flight once before and this was definitely a leap from that, especially with a language barrier at one of the airports. However, I knew that I would be greeted by other students once there and that I wasn’t alone which helped to keep me from worrying too much. Once in Morocco, I thought that being with other students, and getting to explore areas that most tourists would never think to go, was incredible and such a unique experience that also provided security to know that you were with others and not having to handle any obstacles on your own. The group/school program aspect of it was actually something that I thought made the experience of traveling and everything that comes with exploring a new country more immersive with the chance to see inside Morocco’s culture rather than just the view of an outsider or a tourist. Looking back on how nervous I was to go on this study abroad program alone and to fly alone, I’m so glad that I didn’t let that hold me back and it encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone in ways I’ve never had a chance to before, with everything working out in the end even if flying can be nerve wracking! Now, I’m hooked and need to plan my next trip thanks to the amazing time I had with the maymester program!