After visiting Amsterdam and Delft, we set off for Antwerp, Belgium.
On the way to Antwerp, we visited the windmills. We got to go on a boat tour and see inside one of the windmills. Our tour guide shared stories about the previous generations which operated the windmill, how whole families used to live inside the windmill, and how they are operated.
We had a free day to explore Antwerp. We started off the day lost at what to do, so we visited the Central Station and De Kathedraal. We were walking around the city when I saw Het Steen, which I had seen online when researching things to do. While visiting this beautiful fort, one of the guides gave us a list of what to do in the city. Following his recommendations, we took a free fairy to the other side of the river to Sint-Annatunnel, which is the tunnel that runs under the river and has a wooden escalator. Then walked through Vlaaikensgang, historic buildings and alley way. I think this was a wonderful way to spend the free day and I am thankful the tour guide made these wonderful suggestions.
Our next stop was Bruges, Belgium, we started the day with a boat tour. I think compared to the other cities we visited at this point Bruges had a small town feel. Our boat tour guide told us the town relies on tourists. We explored the city walking through chocolate shops and local businesses.
Brussells, Belgium was our next stop. We started the day with a chocolate workshop. We got to create our own candies while hearing stories about how chocolate got started in the region and enjoy hot chocolate while waiting. I think this was a fun activity and provided us with some group quality time. We spent the rest of the day exploring the city, visiting famous landmarks, shopping, and sight-seeing.
Although our time in Belgium was short lived, I think we got to see the variety the country offers. I think having free days or afternoons gave us incredible opportunities to make the most of our trip and make it fit our individual goals.