We leave for Scotland in a little less then 24 hours now and I AM SO EXCITED! I still have absolutely nothing packed which usually means I’m doomed to overpack!Other than that, I am beyond excited because I am always up for an adventure, especially when its somewhere I’ve never been. I have a LOVE for travel, it’s a part of who I am; there are several places that I DREAM of going to, with England and Scotland high up on that list! Needless to say, I am ecstatic for our trip!


Before I talk any more, let me tell you how I got here. When I was in the process of transferring to UGA Tifton, I had a conversation with someone about my upcoming trip to South Africa for the summer. They were telling me about how that might excite me to study abroad since I would then have the so-called “Travel Bug”. Sure enough I caught the bug, and when I saw the opportunity to go to Scotland and teach I jumped at the chance.


So here we are, less than 24 hours until our flight and as I prepare to leave, I cannot help but think of all the amazing adventures I am about to go on, the places I am about to encounter, and the people I’m about to meet! There is so much excitement waiting for me that nothing can worry me, not even the 9 hour flight or the two days of no sleep; I have nothing but pure joy and excitement for this ADVENTURE!