I felt pretty unprepared the week before I left for Costa Rica. I was extremely stressed out from school obligations and deadlines, and barely had time to get things gathered before the trip (I packed everything the morning I left!). I had done a study abroad before in my undergrad, so I was mentally prepared for how the trip may be laid out, but knew that Costa Rica would be significantly different than my trip to Italy.
I was oddly not nervous but also oddly, not excited either. I had a few concerns, such as if I would be able to sleep well (I’m a picky sleeper), and if I would find enough to eat (I don’t eat chicken, pork, and beef) but knew that the trip would be an adventure no matter what.
Before I left, I really felt like I needed a mental reset. Daily stresses, obligations, and personal issues were beginning to weigh me down. Sometimes when you’re in a fog like this, you don’t even realize how much of in the fog you really are, and a trip such as this may be just what you need.
I was hopeful of this, and of course…ready to drink a TON of coffee!