(Previously written in the journal I took on my trip)
Well, I leave tomorrow morning for Costa Rica, and it’s safe to say that I am beyond excited! Traveling to new places is always an exhilarating experience. I absolutely love learning about other cultures, and I cannot wait to see how the people of Costa Rica live and all the natural beauty that surrounds them. Part of me is nervous, because there are so many unknowns attached to this trip: how we’ll be staying in 7 or 8 places, the climates of each of those places, the animals that may or may not be around, the people going on the trip, the early mornings, the howler monkeys that apparently wake up even earlier, the wifi that may or may not work… There are just many aspects that are out of my normal range of comfort. But, despite these few concerns I have about this trip, I am more excited than anything. I can’t wait to embark on the adventures that lie ahead of me and see things many people may never have the chance to see.
Next time you hear from me, hopefully I’ll be loving my time in Costa Rica!