Hello all,
This is the last day before I leave for the trip to Costa Rica. I have never been out of the country before. This trip is going to be great. I just went through my check list and made sure I had everything. Unfortunately I will have to run to Walmart in the morning to get bug spray and sunscreen. Other than those items everything is packed neatly in ziploc bags. Someone from last year suggested to use the bags to help keep my clothes dry and organized.
This will be the the second trip I have been on a plane to get there. I was nervous the first flight, but coming back was a breeze. I am curious to find out if the plane ride will be as enjoyable. I am so glad I am able to go on this trip; it will be a great experience for me. The main part I like is trying new things and seeing new places. It will be hard for me to go without talking to my friends. With twenty people going, I am looking forward to making new friends.
One of my good friends is the reason I chose this trip. They went last year and had a blast. I know I will have a blast because I have some of the same interests. I don’t know much about the country or the language so it will be a challenge. Having some guides will help a lot so I should not have much to worry about. I am going to try to learn as much as possible while having fun.