
  • Srinivasan lab got its two PhD graduates in May 2024: Michael Catto and Sudeep Pandey. All the members of the Srinivasan lab attended the graduation ceremony and celebrated the event together. Srinivasan lab members also celebrated a double graduation lunch together. Dr. Michael Catto completed his PhD dissertation entitled: Utilizing -Omics and Big Data Approaches…

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  • Dr. Habibu Mugerwa, post-doctoral researcher in Srinivasan lab since 2019 have decided to move to west coast in Seattle, WA with his family. Father of two young boys: Habibu, joined our lab after obtaining his PhD degree from University of Greenwich, UK. He brought his expertise in whitefly-vector interactions, and worked with several whitefly-transmitted viruses…

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  • Gabrielle LaTora, our research professional and lab manager, has accepted a position with the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension in Fulton County! She will be one of two ANR Extension Agents in the county, developing educational programs and assisting residents with questions related to gardening, soil health, pollinators, agriculture, and natural resources. She will also…

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  • Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Yi-Ju Chen on the successful completion of her degree! Dr. Chen successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation on Thursday, May 19. She will be leaving the lab this week and continuing her work as an assistant research fellow at the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI). This is not a new position for…

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  • Srinivasan Lab members traveled to beautiful San Juan, Puerto Rico last week for the Entomological Society of America Southeastern Branch annual meeting. Organized in conjunction with the American Phytopathological Society’s Caribbean Division, this meeting featured lots of symposia and talks related to insect vectors and plant pathogens–our wheelhouse! Post-doctoral researcher Habibu Mugerwa and PhD student…

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  • Post-doctoral researcher Saioa Legarrea has completed her time in the Srinivasan Lab and has accepted a research position at the University of La Rioja in Logroño, Spain! Saioa is a native of Pamplona, Spain, a city in the Basque region famous for its Running of the Bulls. The province of La Rioja, Spain is famous…

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  • Post-doctoral researcher Saurabh Gautam will be leaving us soon! Saurabh has accepted a post-doc position in the Texas A&M University Department of Entomology in Amarillo, TX. He will be studying mite-transmitted viruses in wheat crops under the direction of Kiran Gadhave, who is a Srinivasan Lab alumnus himself! Before staying on as a post-doc, Saurabh…

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  • Introduction Georgia is one of the nation’s top summer squash producers. Unfortunately, insects love the warmth and humidity of the Southeast, and they thrive in Georgia’s squash cropping systems. Insects cause direct injury to squash by feeding on the leaves and fruit, and they can transmit devastating viruses that make fruit unmarketable. If infections are…

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  • In an effort to document all the insects kept in colonies within the UGA Department of Entomology, Research Professional Jena Johnson offered to take amazing, high-quality images of our insects of study! The Srinivasan Lab studies insect vectors, or insects that transmit viruses to crops and other plants. We work primarily with whiteflies, aphids, and…

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  • Srinivasan Lab members have published two journal articles in two months—what a way to start off 2022! Gabrielle LaTora, Research Professional and lab manager, headed a pest profile on the tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca, and its impacts on peanut production. PhD students Pin-Chu Lai and Yi-Ju Chen, post-doc Saurabh Gautam, and extension entomologist Mark Abney were…

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