Dr. Habibu Mugerwa, post-doctoral researcher in Srinivasan lab since 2019 have decided to move to west coast in Seattle, WA with his family. Father of two young boys: Habibu, joined our lab after obtaining his PhD degree from University of Greenwich, UK. He brought his expertise in whitefly-vector interactions, and worked with several whitefly-transmitted viruses in Georgia vegetable system.
Habibu’s research in Srinivasan lab focused on understanding the host range, vector fitness, and transcriptomic changes associated with begomovirus acquisiton in whitefly and infection in squash and other host plants. During his stay in Srinivasan lab he published three articles (two research and one review). One of his manuscripts is recently accepted and few others are under review process. Despite COVID times, Habibu was able to conduct his research efficiently and presented his work during ESA annual meeting at Denver, CO, and SEB-ESA meeting at Puerto Rico.

Today on 24th June, Srinivasan lab members had a lunch together in Botanical Garden, and celebrated his wonderful three years with us.

He brought a unique skill set in our lab, and was always willing to collaborate and mentor graduate students. We had a very good time with him in our lab, and we wish him success and a very happy life with his wife and wonderful kids.